If you are considering using, currently using, or have a friend who uses marijuana, here are some things to consider.
Intention Matters When Consuming Cannabis
Like other substances, cannabis can have both beneficial and adverse effects. It’s important to remember that it affects everyone differently, and these effects may change over time.
If you choose to use cannabis, think carefully about the experience you want and the one you would rather avoid. Knowing what you want to get from cannabis may help reduce the likelihood of a bad experience and increase the likelihood that you get the results you want. It’s also important to remember that, like any substance, marijuana can affect people in unpredictable or unforeseeable ways, even when used with caution.
The following are examples of some pleasant or unpleasant experiences associated with smoking marijuana that people may or may not wish to have.
It’s important to remember that cannabis affects everyone differently, and these effects may change over time. Marijuana use under 25 can also affect brain development.
Potential Desired Outcomes
- Feel calm and relaxed
- Reduce feelings of anxiety, depression or worry
- Socializing is easier
- Reduce physical symptoms associated with other conditions
- Modify sensory experiences (e.g. music, food, movies, art, etc.)
- Laugh and enjoy the moment
Potential unwanted outcomes
- Have memory problems
- Have a negative impact on my school, work, or relationships
- Legal Consequences
- Addiction, dependence, or long-term health effects (such as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome)
- Exacerbating mental health conditions (such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, etc.)
- Feeling tired during the day due to poor sleep quality
- Losing self-control and doing things I wouldn’t normally do
- “Greening” (i.e. feeling unwell, vomiting, difficulty concentrating, difficulty participating in activities or other activities, etc.)
Product effectiveness may vary
Serving sizes of different forms of cannabis products may vary.
The potency of cannabis has increased four to five times over the past few decades, and now more than ever it’s important to understand how different products may affect you.
The potency of different forms of cannabis can vary. If you choose to use one, choose a product that falls within your limitations. If you are unsure about a product’s effectiveness, limit the amount you start using until you know better how it affects you. You can always increase the dose based on effects.
There is no standard potency for edibles, and the amount of THC in edibles varies from product to product. Keep in mind that your own tolerance may affect how portion size affects you. If this is your first time using edibles, start with a small amount. Colorado labels consider a single serving to contain 10 milligrams of THC, but this amount may result in an adverse experience, especially if you have a low tolerance.
Always refer to product packaging to check serving size before use. It’s also important to remember that it can take up to 2 hours for the food to start taking effect and up to 4 hours for the full effects to be felt.
Flowers and concentrates
Flowers (the plant form of cannabis) are not as potent as concentrates (cannabis oils, waxes, chips, dabs, resins, etc.). Here are some standard potency ranges for these products based on THC percentage.
Tips for understanding cannabis packaging:
Marijuana product labels contain information about the type of marijuana (indica, sativa, etc.) and the THC potency percentage of the flower and concentrate. The higher the percentage, the more potent and more effective the product is. It’s worth noting that most products include a disclaimer, as potency can vary by about 15% in either direction. Keep this information in mind when selecting products and calculating dosage.
Food labels often contain information about the amount of THC in foods. Keep in mind that some products will require you to dispense your own dose. For example, you may want to cut items in half or quarters before eating.
Start low and go slow
If you have never used cannabis before, are trying a new product, or are unsure of your tolerance, start with a small dose and gradually increase until you know how it affects you.This is especially important when trying edibles and concentrates. Look for products with lower THC content and see how it affects you before consuming more.
Avoid mixing
Mixing two or more substances may make it difficult to predict what will happen or how you will be affected.Additionally, using two or more substances together may cause unwanted side effects. To be safe, only use one substance at a time.
Postponing activities that may pose higher risks
It is recommended to wait at least 3 to 6 hours after vaping or smoking, and 6 to 8 hours after consuming food, before engaging in high-risk activities such as driving, skiing, or swimming.”Keep in mind that these times may vary based on your tolerance and usage. In some cases, you may need to wait longer than recommended.
Safely store cannabis products
Keep cannabis products in their original packaging for easy identification. Be sure to store them in a safe area out of reach of pets or young children.Be sure to store them in a safe area out of reach of pets or young children, if a pet or child consumes any cannabis product, call your veterinarian or health care provider immediately.
Use it with people you trust
Smoking cannabis with someone you know, trust, and feel comfortable with is more likely to result in a positive experience.If you feel pressured to consume more than you’re comfortable with, it’s important to assert your boundaries. For example, you could say, ‘No thanks, I need to drive home later,’ or ‘I’m going to start here and see how it goes.
Reduce frequency
Like other substances, regular use of cannabis can increase your tolerance, meaning it may take more time to achieve the same effects. This often leads to dependence, which occurs when your body adjusts to a specific drug or substance, causing you to want larger or more frequent doses.
Avoid sharing
Avoid “suction” spins, and do not share connections, nozzles, pipes, vaporizers, or other personal items with others. Sharing puts you at a higher risk of contracting a variety of infections and illnesses, such as colds, flu, meningitis or mononucleosis, which can be spread from person to person through saliva. Sharing with a friend may also result in receiving a higher dose of THC than you’re accustomed to.